新关注 > 信息聚合 > “没有译制腔”的配音什么样?李冰冰的艾达王告诉你!【玩译】


What is the dubbing of "no translation cavity"? Li Bingbing's Aida King tells you【 [play translation]

2021-08-06 17:35:21来源: 游戏时光

B站地址今天这期玩译节目比较特殊,算是个“强行读评论”,一方面解答一些评论区常见的问题,另一方面也给大家示范一下上期节目列举的那些“译制腔”,顺便也展现几个喜闻乐见的异色范例,包括李冰冰配音自己的“艾达王”片段,希望大家看得开心。海天工作室是一个来自上海的专业配音团队,团队成员都曾参与海内外不同体量的游戏配音工作。工作室创始人 洪海天——配音演员、配音导演,执导作品包括《昆特牌》《赛博朋克2077》《最终幻想14》等作品,同时也担任《守望先锋》猎空、《英雄联盟》锐雯等众多角色的配音。化身伊陆介绍:配音演员,代表作《炉石传说》希拉斯·暗月、《英雄联盟》永恩、《赛博朋克2077》藤冈薰、《山海镜花》天狗 等。

Station B address today's play translation program is quite special. It can be regarded as a "forced reading comment". On the one hand, it answers some common questions in the comment area. On the other hand, it also shows you the "translation cavity" listed in the last program. By the way, it also shows several favorite examples of different colors, including Li Bingbing's dubbing of his "King ADA" clip. I hope you have a good time. Haitian studio is a professional dubbing team from Shanghai. The team members have participated in game dubbing of different sizes at home and abroad. Hong Haitian, founder of the studio, is a dubbing actor and dubbing director. His works include Quint, cyberpunk 2077 and final fantasy 14. At the same time, he also plays the dubbing of many roles such as air hunting in the watch pioneer and Ruiwen in the League of heroes. Avatar ilu: dubbing actor, representative works: Legend of hearthstone, Silas dark moon, League of heroes, Yong en, cyberpunk 2077, fumigation Fujioka, mountain sea mirror flower, Tengu, etc.