新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网传微软为Xbox独占《古墓丽影 崛起》花费1亿美元

网传微软为Xbox独占《古墓丽影 崛起》花费1亿美元

It is said that Microsoft spent $100 million on Xbox's exclusive Tomb Raider rise

2021-09-01 11:44:58来源: 游戏时光

《古墓丽影 崛起》是《古墓丽影》系列重启的第二部作品。本作于 2015 年 11 月发售,首发登陆 Xbox 平台并独占近一年。根据近日的网上爆料,微软为独占该款作品耗费了不少费用。爆料来源于前 Square Enix 高管 Fabien Rossini 的领英档案。在担任 Square Enix 战略规划与企业规划总监期间,Rossini 自述参与了 Xbox 平台独占《古墓丽影 崛起》的协商。他在简介中提到此次独占涉及的费用为 1 亿美元。 虽然Rossini现已删除该段描述,但推特用户@Timur222进行了截图保存Rossini 本人没有提及该笔费用的具体构成。外媒猜测这笔钱可能不只是平台独占费,还包含游戏的营销费用与利润预付款。根据 Xbox 官方的说法,《古墓丽影 崛起》发售两

The rise of Tomb Raider is the second work in the Tomb Raider series. This work was released in November 2015, launched on the Xbox platform and monopolized for nearly a year. According to the recent online disclosure, Microsoft spent a lot of money to monopolize the work. The disclosure came from the LinkedIn file of Fabien Rossini, a former square Enix executive. During his tenure as director of strategic planning and enterprise planning for square Enix, Rossini said he was involved in & amp; nbsp; Xbox platform monopolizes the negotiation of Tomb Raider rise. In his introduction, he mentioned that the cost involved in this monopoly was $100 million& amp; nbsp; Although Rossini has deleted this description, twitter user @ timur222 has saved screenshots. Rossini did not mention the specific composition of the fee. Foreign media speculate that this money may not only be the platform exclusive fee, but also include the marketing expenses and profit prepayment of the game. According to Xbox officials, "Tomb Raider rises" is on sale for two years

标签: Xbox 微软