新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《艾尔登法环》的封面角色原本可能有对应的任务线


The cover character of "Eldon's law ring" might have a corresponding task line

2022-06-20 10:33:29来源: 游戏时光

可能有人不知道,《艾尔登法环》的封面角色其实并非玩家,而是其他人。数据挖掘者们近期发现,这个封面角色原本可能有相应的剧情任务,不过基本上都被 FromSoftware 删掉了。封面角色名叫维克,原本设定是玩家能在史东威尔城处进行召唤,与玩家一起攻略 BOSS。葛托克的对话中也有提到一些关于维克的内容,说有一个看起来相当令人厌恶的骑士,他的盔甲向内融化,几乎分崩离析。虽然没有提到名字,不过从描述来看这讲的就是维克。Game Informer 今年发售的一本杂志,它的封面图就是维克,可以看出角色特征基本能和葛托克的描述对应上。数据挖掘者 Sekiro Dubi 称他可能找到了被删掉的维克任务线,虽然 FromSoftware 删除了相关的文本和音频,但对话选项保留了下来。完成任务后玩家也能获得一些道具。不

Some people may not know that the cover character of Eldon law ring is not a player, but someone else. Data miners recently found that this cover character might have a corresponding plot task, but it was basically deleted by fromSoftware. The cover character is named Vick. It was originally set that the player could summon at Stonewell city and join the player in the boss strategy. Gotok also mentioned something about Vick in his dialogue. He said that there was a very disgusting Knight whose armor melted inward and almost fell apart. Although the name was not mentioned, the description showed that it was Vic. Game Informer& nbsp; The cover picture of a magazine released this year is Vick. It can be seen that the character characteristics basically correspond to the description of gertok. Data miner sekiro Dubi said that he may have found the deleted Vick task line. Although fromSoftware deleted the relevant text and audio, the dialog option remained. Players can also get some props after completing the task. no