新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【游戏中的父亲】轨迹系列中那些寻常与不寻常的父亲们


[fathers in the game] those ordinary and unusual fathers in the track series

2022-06-19 11:13:55来源: 游戏时光

帕蒂尔·玛蒂尔这个名字来源于“Pater Mater”,即为拉丁文的父亲母亲“Father Mother” 「結社に引き取られだから、レンは本物のパパとママに会えた!この世で一番幸せな女の子になれた!」正是因为被结社收留,玲才能邂逅真正的爸爸和妈妈!才能成为世界上最幸福的女孩! 轨迹系列作为系列历史超10年,作品总数11作的超长篇JRPG,必不乏各种各样的登场人物。而庞大的基数成为了孕育多样化的角色的基础。 这之中怀揣父亲这个标签的角色也不在少数,甚至其中还有一些异质化的存在。譬如图中这个只能机器人——帕蒂尔·玛蒂尔,虽然没有血缘关系,哪怕甚至不是生物,但他

The name Patil mathier comes from "pater mater", which is the Latin father and mother "father mother" & nbsp; & amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; "The association will lead you to take advantage of your family, your mother, your son, and your family.れた!" It was because she was taken in by the association that Ling met her real father and mother! To become the happiest girl in the world& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; As a series with a history of more than 10 years and a total of 11 works, the track series is a super long jrpg, which must be full of various characters. The huge base has become the basis for breeding diversified roles& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Among them, there are not a few roles with the label of father, and even some heterogeneity exists. For example, the only robot in the picture, Patil matil, is not related by blood, even if it is not a creature

标签: 游戏