新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《十三机兵防卫圈》将于2022年4月14日登陆Switch


Thirteen aircraft defense circle will land on switch on April 14, 2022

2021-11-28 19:57:58来源: 游戏时光

在今天的发售两周年直播活动中,香草社宣布青春群像科幻题材游戏《十三机兵防卫圈》将于 2022 年 4 月 14 日登陆 Switch 平台,日服 6980 日元/港服 438 港币,支持简繁中文。视频地址Switch 版会在「崩坏篇」中新追加 26 种兵装, DLC 特典新增更多的美术插画。实体版内封面:、

In today's live broadcast of the second anniversary of its launch, vanilla club announced that the youth group image sci-fi theme game "Thirteen machine soldier defense circle" will be launched on the switch platform on April 14, 2022, with a daily service of 6980 yen / Hong Kong service of 438 Hong Kong dollars, and support for simple and complex Chinese. In the video address switch version, 26 new military uniforms will be added to the "collapse chapter", and more art illustrations will be added to the DLC classic. Inner cover of physical Edition:

标签: Switch