新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【福利】《糖果灾难:机关塔防》正式版今日上线


[welfare] the official version of candy disaster: mechanism tower defense went online today

2021-11-12 18:44:46来源: 游戏时光

在经历了十个月的抢先体验后,《糖果灾难:机关塔防》正式版于今日推出,售价人民币 47 元,附赠游戏原声音乐集。发售当天折后价 39.9 元。商店传送门:点击此处本作是一款塔防类的游戏。除了尖刺、弓弩这样的常规陷阱外,还了包含了弹板、风扇、时间干预装置等趣味机关。 游戏里玩家将扮演疯狂科学家 Jick,帮一位神秘的老朋友收集散落在各个星球的 M89KD 型能量糖果。在这次冒险中会遇见许多不同的敌人,比如骑着小三轮的“马飞飞”、骑着恐龙永远冲锋的的战士......本次正式版的推出,游戏新追加了雪地关卡,玩家将可以利用墙体随时随地放置陷阱,利用鞭笞藤蔓释放出巨大的威力......福利:在本文留言,我们将抽取两位朋友,送出本作的Steam激活码一枚。

After ten months of preemptive experience, the official version of "candy disaster: mechanism tower defense" was launched today. It costs 47 yuan and comes with a game soundtrack. The discounted price on the day of sale is 39.9 yuan. Store portal: click here to play a tower defense game. In addition to conventional traps such as spikes and crossbows, interesting mechanisms such as spring plates, fans and time intervention devices are also included& amp; nbsp; In the game, players will play jick, a crazy scientist, and help a mysterious old friend collect m89kd energy candy scattered on various planets. In this adventure, you will meet many different enemies, such as the "horse flying" riding a small three wheel, and the soldiers riding a dinosaur charging forever With the launch of this official version, the game has added a new snow level. Players will be able to use the wall to place traps anytime and anywhere, and use the whip vines to release great power Welfare: in this message, we will select two friends and send one steam activation code for this work.