新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《如龙》系列大礼包进入PS+会员阵容


Dragon series gift bag enters ps+ member lineup

2022-07-27 23:59:47来源: 游戏时光

索尼宣布,从《如龙0 誓约之地》到《如龙7 光与暗的去向》共计 8 部《如龙》系列作品将加入到 PS+ 会员阵容。 《如龙0 誓约之地》至《如龙 极2》 8 月加入 PS+ 升级档/尊贵档会员阵容。《如龙3/4/5》在今年晚些时候加入 PS 尊贵档会员阵容。《如龙6 命之诗》在今年晚些时候加入 PS+ 升级档/尊贵档会员阵容。《如龙7 光与暗的去向》为 8 月 PS+ 基础档会员免费游戏。来源:PlayStation

Sony announced that a total of eight "dragon" series works, from "the land of dragon 0 vows" to "the whereabouts of dragon 7 light and darkness", will be added to the ps+ member lineup& amp; nbsp; From "land of dragon 0 vows" to "dragon 2" joined the ps+ upgraded / noble member lineup in August. Rulong 3/4/5 will join the PS noble member lineup later this year. "Rulong's poem of six lives" will join the ps+ upgraded / noble member lineup later this year. "Where is dragon 7 light and dark" is a free game for ps+ basic members in August. Source: Playstation

标签: PS