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现场-小威一路蹦跳展翅高飞 莎娃落寞眼神引唏嘘

Live - Williams a spring in his step soar to great heights Sawa lonely eyes cited sigh

2015-01-31 19:53:29来源: 新浪

小威获胜后一跃而起 新浪体育讯 北京时间1月31日消息 2015年澳大利亚网球公开赛来到了倒数第二个比赛日,迎来了女单重头戏,头号种子小威对阵2号种子莎拉波娃。最终小威在次盘末抵住对手的反扑,把...

Serena after winning jumped up time of Beijing of sina sports dispatch news January 31st 2015 Australian Open tennis tournament to reciprocal the second play day, ushered in the women's singles grand opera, top seed Zi Xiaowei against No. 2 seed Sharapova. The final against the opponent's rally Serena in time at the end of the disk...