新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘涛自拍皮肤似瓷娃娃 撒娇卖萌盼嘟嘟脸

刘涛自拍皮肤似瓷娃娃 撒娇卖萌盼嘟嘟脸

Liu Tao self skin like porcelain doll act in pettish act loving hope chubby cheeks

2014-12-06 09:03:41来源: 中国青年网

刘涛(1/6张) 日前,刘涛晒出自己卖萌自拍照,称与外婆年轻的时候越长越像。而在一向以瘦为美的娱乐圈刘涛却撒娇希望自己的脸可以再胖一点。

Liu Tao (1 / 6) a few days ago, Liu Tao aired their act loving self portraits, and grandmother said when young to look more like. In the entertainment circle always with thin for beauty but spoiled Liu Tao hope his face can be a little fat.