新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郭士强:靠强硬表现取得胜利 最后布置不能透露

郭士强:靠强硬表现取得胜利 最后布置不能透露

Guo Shiqiang: on tough performance win final layout cannot disclose

2015-03-15 23:05:26来源: 搜狐

(搜狐体育 吕忠怿 3月15日北京报道)北京时间3月15日晚,2014-2015赛季CBA总决赛第三场较量在北京万事达中心上演,客场作战的辽宁男篮爆发出强大的战斗力,凭借着哈德森最后2.9秒时的绝杀...

Sohu (Sohu sports Lv Zhongyi reported in Beijing in March 15th) Beijing time on the night of March 15th, the 2014-2015 season CBA finals third games staged in Beijing MasterCard center, the road of Liaoning men's basketball team erupted into a strong fighting force, with Hodson winning the last 2.9 seconds...