新关注 > 信息聚合 > 范加尔感谢球迷不离不弃 称赛季目标仍然是前4

范加尔感谢球迷不离不弃 称赛季目标仍然是前4

Van Gaal thank fans never betray said goals for the season is still before Netease 4

2015-04-13 05:11:15来源: 网易

范加尔表示要把胜利献给球迷,他认为曼联近20轮的表现无可挑剔,他称赞了阿什利-扬和费莱尼的表现,在谈到赛季目标时,他谨慎地表示现在目标仍然是前4。 网易体育4月13日报道: 凭借阿什利-扬、费莱...

Louis van Gaal, said to dedicate the victory to fans, he believes Manchester United nearly 20 rounds of impeccable performance, he praised the performance of Ashley young and Fellaini, when it comes to the goal of the season, he careful surface shows now is still the top 4. NetEase sports reported on April 13th: with Ashley young, fele...