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Qualcomm announced the fourth generation LTE modem

2015-03-03 03:27:37来源: 中国青年网

智能手机芯片和软件制造商美国高通公司日前公布了第四代LTE调制解调器,让汽车能够更畅通地与云端服务进行无线连接。使用这项新技术的汽车也将在几年的时间内上市。新一代调制解调器Snapdragon X1...

intelligent mobile phone chips and software manufacturers USA Qualcomm Corp recently announced the fourth generation of LTE modem, let the car can be more smooth and cloud services for wireless connection. The use of this new technology of the car will also be listed in a few years time. A new generation of Snapdragon X1 modem...