新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016大河剧《真田丸》海报曝光 堺雅人身披红色铠甲

2016大河剧《真田丸》海报曝光 堺雅人身披红色铠甲

2016 taiga drama "Sanada pill" poster exposure Masato Sakai wearing red armor

2015-12-02 16:25:26来源: 大众网

人民网东京12月2日电 由堺雅人主演的2016年NHK大河剧《真田丸》日前公布了第一张海报。海报中,堺雅人身披红色铠甲,身后是飘扬的红色旗帜。 该剧由三谷幸喜负责脚本,描写了日本战国时代的武将真田...

people net Tokyo, December 2 (Xinhua) by Masato Sakai starring 2016 NHK taiga drama the Sanada pill, the recently released the first poster. The poster, Sakaimasa Hito wearing red armor, the red flag is fluttering behind. The play by Miya Yukiki responsible for the script, describes Japan's Warring States era generals sanada...