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Dig deep star possession of secret spot

2016-04-21 20:33:17来源: 搜狐

清明一过,很快就会进入夏天模式,厚厚的遮瑕膏、防晒霜都遮不住满脸小斑点,烈日一晒更明显! 都说知已知彼,才能战无不胜。“战斑”同样需要了解斑的成因,方能量体裁衣选择最有效的祛斑方法。 那么,斑是如何形成的呢? 坏习惯1:偏爱大浓妆 化妆品含金属成分多,化学成分具有吸光的作用。...

After the tomb-sweeping day, will soon enter the summer mode, heavy concealer and sunscreen are covered with a small spots, sun basked in a more obvious! All say knowing that, to be invincible. "Spot", also need to know the cause of the tailor products to choose the most effective approach to the spot. So, spot is how? Bad habits 1: preference for big thick makeup Cosmetics containing metal composition, chemical composition has the effect of light absorption. ...