新关注 > 信息聚合 > 过五关战六将——自由乐享之旅北京站


After five war six:

2015-07-28 10:33:44来源: 爱卡汽车网

#C3-XR给你我的精彩# 我们从小听说过“过五关 斩六将”是关羽被曹操所擒,在立功报答之后,拜辞曹操,护送二位嫂子,前往河北寻找兄长刘备。从许昌出发后,沿途经过东岭关、洛阳、汜水关、荥阳和滑州...

#C3-XR station in free music to enjoy the trip to Beijing to you my wonderful # our childhood heard a "five cut six" is Guan Yu was Cao Cao captured, the meritorious reward after, say good-bye to Cao Cao, two sister-in-law escort to Hebei find brother Liu Bei. Starting from Xuchang, along the way through Luoyang, Si Shuiguan, Dong Ling Guan, Xingyang and slippery state...