新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高尔夫旅行轿车路演活动圆满闭幕


Golf travel car roadshow concluded satisfactorily

2015-03-23 17:00:38来源: 爱卡汽车网

[XCAR 成都 资讯] “十里春风不如你”高尔夫旅行轿车路演活动圆满闭幕。这一次活动为大家带来的不仅仅是一辆汽车,倡导的更是一种居家生活的用车理念。活动当日成交的五个客户,享受了大众金融贴息政...

[XCAR Chengdu Information "ten spring breeze as you golf travel car roadshow concluded satisfactorily. This event brings for everyone is not just a car advocate, is more of a home life car concept. The five day turnover of customers, enjoy the public financial discount policy...