新关注 > 信息聚合 > 保加利亚赛签表:阿古特坐镇头号 特洛伊基塞皮出..

保加利亚赛签表:阿古特坐镇头号 特洛伊基塞皮出..

Bulgarian Cup Draw: A Gute sits Troy Jisai leather top out ..

2016-01-31 13:47:35来源: 新浪

今年奥克兰冠军阿古特领衔 新浪体育讯 北京时间1月31日消息,总奖金额为494,310欧元的2016年ATP250巡回赛索菲亚公开赛在保加利亚公布了男单正赛签表。西班牙人阿古特作为头号种子出战,塞尔维亚帅哥特洛伊基则位列2号种子,西班牙老将加-洛佩兹、意大利名将塞皮、卢森堡大炮穆勒、...

This year champion Oakland A Gute led Ticker January 31 messages, the total prize money amounted to 494,310 euros in 2016 ATP250 tour Saisuofeiya Open men's singles in Bulgaria announced the race to sign the table. A Gute Spaniards as the top seed played, Serbia is ranked guy Teluoyiji No. 2 seed, plus veteran Spain - Lopez, Italian star Seppi, cannon Muller of Luxembourg, ...