新关注 > 信息聚合 > 七夕时节说《大话西游3》


Tanabata Festival said the westward journey 3 "

2015-08-21 02:52:04来源: 中国青年网

本报讯(记者龚保华)由春秋时代影业出品、刘镇伟执导的电影《大话西游3》(原《大话西游终结篇》)近日曝光首款概念海报,并在七夕这一天公布——韩庚和唐嫣饰演至尊宝和紫霞仙子这对经典影片中的情侣。 海报文字中的中文“大话西游”以毛笔书写,苍劲有力古朴深沉;英文片名中至尊宝的金刚圈环形出现,...

Washington (reporter Bao Hua Gong) by the spring and Autumn period films produced, directed by Liu Zhenwei movie the westward journey 3" (formerly "boast swims on the west end piece") recently, the first concept poster exposure, and in the seventh night of the seventh lunar month the day announced, Han and Tang Yan played joker and Zixia fairy the classic film lovers. Poster text in Chinese "boast swims on the west" with a writing brush, vigorous ancient deep; Monkey King in the English title of the diamond ring,...

标签: 大话西游