新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全国第十三届冬运会圣火采集火炬传递仪式举行


The 13th winter collecting the flame torch transfer ceremony held

2015-08-08 17:56:02来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动() 第十二届全国运动会拳击男子69公斤级冠军麦麦提吐尔逊·琼和跆拳道女子49公斤级冠军李照艺(左),共同从火种采集器皿中引燃火炬。 刘新 摄 全国第十三届冬季运动会圣火采集·火炬传...

participate in interactive) (the 12th National Sports Boxing Champion men's 69 kilogram class Mamatitulson Joan and the women's Taekwondo 49 kg class champion Li Zhaoyi (left), common from kindling acquisition vessel in the torch ignited. Liu Xin photo of the thirteenth Winter Games torch relay...