新关注 > 信息聚合 > 各国领导人也为雪狂:奥巴马挪用军机去滑雪(组图)


Leaders also snow mad: Obama misappropriation of military aircraft to go skiing (Photos) Sina

2015-11-04 13:11:30来源: 新浪

普京滑雪 奥巴马挪用军机去滑雪 说奥巴马的政绩,美国人民会说他的演技,全世界人民都服气。 颁奖典礼,综艺节目,完全来者不拒。 不过,演技再好也有露怯的时候。前段时间就爆出奥巴马带着全家...

Vladimir Putin ski Obama misappropriation of military aircraft to ski said Obama's performance, the American people will say his acting, people all over the world are all convinced. The awards ceremony, the variety show, completely refuse nobody. However, when acting again good also have the louqie. Some time ago, Obama took the whole family...