新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高位逼抢才是更安全的踢法 80亿也许只是白日梦

高位逼抢才是更安全的踢法 80亿也许只是白日梦

High closing down is safer kicking 80 billion maybe just day dream

2015-10-10 22:49:46来源: 网易

网易体育10月10日报道: 不想赢的人还没开始就输了。荷兰埃因霍温足球俱乐部更衣室的墙上,厄瓜多尔诗人奥尔曼多的这句名言赫然在目,令人印象深刻。在笔者看来,这句话很适合说给佩兰的国家队。 对于防...

Netease sports October 10, reported: people don't want to win haven't started to lose. On the walls of the dressing room in Eindhoven, the Netherlands Football Club, a phrase famous Ecuadorian poet Orr Mando impressively in the head, impressive deep. In my opinion, this sentence is very suitable for Perrin's national team. For anti...