新关注 > 信息聚合 > iPhone太贵租两年你愿意吗?苹果在印度这么干


The iPhone is too expensive to rent two years would you like? Apple do in India

2016-04-13 23:21:51来源: 中关村在线

苹果最新推出的iPhone SE在印度市场遇冷,最重要的原因就是其高达39000卢比(约合人民币3800元)的定价,比其他市场高出许多。 为了争取更多用户,苹果面向企业推出一项为期两年的租赁计划,iPhone SE每月仅需支付999卢比,算下来一部iPhone SE用两年仅需2400...

Apple's new iPhone encounter cold SE in India market, the most important reason is that it is as high as 39000 rupees (RMB 3800) pricing, much higher than any other market. To win more users, apple enterprise launched a two-year lease plan, iPhone SE only need to pay 999 rupees a month, count down an iPhone SE with only 2400 two years...

标签: 苹果