新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩服《最终幻想14》被评18禁 与剑灵同级

韩服《最终幻想14》被评18禁 与剑灵同级

Hanbok "Final Fantasy XIV was rated 18 ban and recently in the sword of the spirit level

2015-05-07 11:10:37来源: 17173

近日,韩国游戏物管理委员会通过了《最终幻想14》的审批,游戏被定为18禁(青少年不可使用),与《剑灵》同级。游戏被定为18禁的原因如下: *过度的暴力表现 *过场CG存在断肢的血腥表现 ...

, South Korea game management committee through the examination and approval of the final fantasy XIV, the game was scheduled for 18 ban (teenagers do not use), and the sword of the spirit, at the same level. The following game is determined to be 18 reasons: no excessive violence * * through the CG performance bloody mutilation...

标签: 最终幻想