新关注 > 信息聚合 > 东北亚版交会青岛开幕 韩国企业组团亮相韩国馆

东北亚版交会青岛开幕 韩国企业组团亮相韩国馆

Northeast Asian version of the opening of Qingdao intersection south Korean Enterprise Group unveiled the Korea Pavilion

2015-04-30 16:53:31来源: 人民网

数十家韩国高端企业组团参展,刮起一股“韩风”。 赵玥博 摄 中新网青岛4月30日电(赵玥博)第二届中国青岛·东北亚版权创意精品展示交易会暨正版优秀图书30日在青岛启幕,此次“版交会与书展”首次设...

dozens of South Korean high-end enterprises to participate in the exhibition, "Han wind blowing a". Zhao Yuebo photo Beijing, Qingdao, April 30, (Zhao Yuebo) the second session of the China Qingdao Northeast Asia copyright creative boutique fair and genuine excellent books 30 curtain in Qingdao, the "fair and fair version" for the first time...