新关注 > 信息聚合 > 仙路新品:有弹性的彩宝手镯(图)


Xianlu new: flexible color treasure Bracelet (Figure)

2015-07-27 15:50:15来源: 大河网

传统K金彩宝手镯太笨重,日常佩戴不方便。仙路新品“light”系列与“J+”系列,以国内不可复制的K金工艺与灵动彩宝完美融合,打造全新彩宝手镯样式,演绎轻盈舒适、新颖前沿的手腕风尚。 “light...

traditional gold color treasure bracelet is too bulky, inconvenient for daily wear. Xian Lu new "light" series and "J+" series, in China can not copy the gold technology and smart multicolored perfect fusion, to create a new color treasure bracelet style and interpretation of light and comfortable, novel frontier wrist fashion. "Light...