新关注 > 信息聚合 > 苏炳添爸爸:他女友是青梅竹马 婚期他自有打算

苏炳添爸爸:他女友是青梅竹马 婚期他自有打算

Subing add father: his girlfriend is childhood wedding his own plan

2015-06-01 07:38:44来源: 新浪

苏炳添在尤金站中冲入10秒大关 广州日报中山讯 (记者 张翔宇)昨日在中山古镇家中的苏炳添[微博]的父亲苏照华接受了记者的采访。苏爸爸透露,成绩出来后,苏炳添第一时间给弟弟发了短信,时间是昨日早...

Subing add in Eugene station rushed into the 10 seconds mark Zhongshan, Guangzhou Daily News (reporter Zhang Xiangyu) yesterday in Guzhen Town, Zhongshan City home Subing add [microblogging] father Su Zhaohua accepted reporter's interview. Sue dad said, after the results came out, Su Bingtian first time to send a message to his brother, the time is yesterday morning...