新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西班牙外媒记者交往偶记(华媒故事(15))


Spanish foreign media correspondents association even remember (Chinese media story (15))

2016-01-22 08:08:11来源: 中工网

要了解、融入西班牙主流社会,华侨华人敞开怀抱、积极沟通是“尚方宝剑”。图为在西班牙举行的春节庆祝活动中,巴塞罗那当地居民与舞狮队成员在游行中互动。新华社发 身为一名海外华文媒体记者,我入职已经有...

To understand and integrate into mainstream society in Spain, overseas Chinese with open arms, positive communication is the "silver bullet." Pictured in the New Year celebrations held in Spain, Barcelona local residents and lion dance team members to interact in the parade. The Xinhua News Agency as an overseas Chinese media reporter, I have ... entry