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炉石传说黑骑士归来 国服第八动物园详解

Hearthstone legendary Black Knight Returns national dress eighth zoo Comments

2016-01-20 17:08:46来源: 电玩巴士

大家好,我是那可真蠢丨卐知秋,由于期末考试,娱乐卡组上了传说之后就挂机了,也没研究什么适应环境的卡组。 这次是代好友诸葛亮发一下他的卡组和 ”心得体会“。 以下是他的自述。 【大家好,我...

Hello everyone, I was the stupid 丨 swastika can Zhiqiu, since the final exam, recreation deck on the legend after you hang up, did not study what adaptation card group environment. This is on behalf of a friend Zhuge Liang made about his deck and "experiences." The following is the ReadMe. [Hello, everyone, I ...

标签: 炉石传说