新关注 > 信息聚合 > 真机照曝光 iPhone 7或将使用蓝牙耳机

真机照曝光 iPhone 7或将使用蓝牙耳机

Shots iPhone 7 real machine or use a Bluetooth headset

2016-01-05 02:14:20来源: dospy智能手机网

虽然距离发布还有大半年的时间,但有关iPhone 7的消息已经早有传出,按照此前的信息显示,这款手机将采用全新的外形设计,并有望增加256GB版本。而如今,外国媒体Gizchina又为我们带来了疑似...

Although there are six months away from release time, but news about the iPhone 7 has already spread, according to previous information display, the phone will use the new exterior design, and is expected to increase the 256GB version. Today, foreign media has brought us Gizchina suspected ...