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官方宣布锤子T1无缘Android 5.1升级

The official announcement hammer T1 missed Android 5.1 upgrade

2016-01-05 03:44:36来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】刚刚过去的一周,锤子科技凭借全新的Smartisan T2可谓刷爆了屏,而有幸在第一时间获得系统更新的坚果手机,也在系统响应方面有了比较明显的提升。就在所有的T1用户期待系统更新...

[IT168 Information] just the past week, Hammer technology with new Smartisan T2 described maxed out the screen, and for the first time have the opportunity to get the system updated nuts phones, but also the system response there have been more obvious improvement. In all T1 users expect the system update ...

标签: Android