新关注 > 信息聚合 > Oculus Rift 消费者版正式开放预订,售价 599 美..

Oculus Rift 消费者版正式开放预订,售价 599 美..

Oculus Rift consumer version of the official opening book, priced at 599 US ..

2016-01-07 09:45:44来源: TechWeb

北京时间 1 月 7 日 0 点,Oculus Rift 消费者版正式开放预订。经历了几分钟的网页故障,守在电脑前的开发者、爱好者们终于进到预订页面。 Oculus Rift 消费者版售价显示在预...

Beijing at 0:00 on January 7, Oculus Rift consumer version of the official opening of booking. We experienced a few pages fault, waited at the front of the computer developers, fans and finally into the reservation page. Oculus Rift consumer version sells displayed in the pre ...

标签: Oculus