新关注 > 信息聚合 > 7个习惯动作最伤宝宝耳朵


7 habits action the baby's ears

2016-02-10 02:16:23来源: 39健康网

擤鼻涕、打喷嚏、掏耳朵……这些再平常不过的动作,如果做得不对,都有可能会使孩子的耳朵受到伤害。这些举动,为什么回伤害孩子听力呢?听听专家怎么说。 专家简介:胡彬雅,湖南省儿童医院耳鼻咽喉科副主任...

Blowing your nose, sneezing, ear cleaning... These often action, if done wrong, are likely to hurt the child's ears. These moves, why back injury children listening? Listen to what experts said. Expert introduction: hallen, deputy director of the children's hospital otolaryngology department of hunan province...