新关注 > 信息聚合 > 前瞻:水花兄弟需进攻复苏 勇士欲擒灰熊取得领先

前瞻:水花兄弟需进攻复苏 勇士欲擒灰熊取得领先

Preview: spray brothers need to capture warriors attack recovery Memphis

2015-05-09 20:57:19来源: 网易

网易体育5月9日报道: 金州勇士队在西部半决赛第二场主场落败,他们丢掉主场优势。明天做客迎战孟菲斯灰熊队,库里和汤普森要努力找回投篮手感,水花兄弟要发挥更大的领袖作用,勇士队要争取客场赢球夺回主场优势。灰熊队带着1平回到主场,他们要保持防守强度,康利和黑白双雄要率队力争主场赢球,他们要...

NetEase May 9th leading sports reports: Jinzhou warriors defeated in the West semi finals second home court, they lose their home court advantage. Tomorrow's game against the Memphis Grizzlies, curry and Thompson try to find his shots, a brother should play a greater leadership role, the warriors to fight for the win on the road back home court advantage. The Grizzlies back home court with 1 flat, they should keep the defensive intensity, Conley and black and white duo to home court led the team to strive to win, they will...