新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《坦克世界》新版特种战车谁最值得入手


The world of tanks, the new special chariot who is most worthy of

2015-01-04 16:39:55来源: 电玩巴士

《坦克世界》开启跨年嘉年华盛典活动,为玩家献上年末最为欢乐的游戏盛宴。而嘉年华新版本0.9.5“致命一击”推出数款特种/限量坦克,类型不一、性能各异,让玩家应接不暇之余,也不仅陷入“选择综合症”之中。今日,小编就为各位玩家详细点评下这些珍贵战车,看看哪款战车更合你的胃口吧~ 2014...

the world of tanks "open cross carnival celebrations, for players to offer at the end of the the joy of the game of the feast. The carnival Huaxin version 0.9.5 "fatal blow" launched several special / limited tank, type, the performance of different, let players overwhelmed, also not only in "syndrome". Today, the small series for each player in detail on the review of these precious tanks, and see which chariot more of your appetite...