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杭州名刀张小泉现身热门美剧 汉尼拔同款国内暂时..

Hangzhou Ming Dao Zhang Koizumi appeared in the popular drama Hannibal with domestic temporarily..

2015-06-25 07:08:21来源: 杭州网

《汉尼拔》剧照 明朝崇祯年间,南直隶徽州府人张小泉来到杭州,住到了吴山脚下的大井巷。身怀绝技的张小泉就地开了一家剪刀铺,他以浙江龙泉钢为原料,靠着祖传制剪手艺,做成了名噪一时的“张小泉剪刀”。 ...

"Hannibal" stills the Ming Dynasty Chongzhen years, South Zhili Province Huizhou mansion Zhang Koizumi came to Hangzhou, came to live in the Wushan at the foot of the Dajing Lane. Mr. Koizumi stunt local open a scissors shop, he in Zhejiang Longquan steel as raw materials by ancestral of cutting technology, made the renowned "Zhang Koizumi scissors". ...