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Muriqui secret left Evergrande Insider: himself has never intended to

2015-07-07 23:55:21来源: 华体网

前恒大外援穆里奇于日前接受了巴西权威媒体《兰斯体育》的采访,在采访中穆里奇透露称,当年恒大曾经提出要跟他续约,但是面对阿尔萨德的邀请,他还是选择了离开。 在接受采访时穆里奇表示:“阿尔萨德曾经两次...

Hengda aid muriqui recently told the Brazilian media authority, "lance sports" interview, in the interview muriqui said that year Hengda once proposed to re signing him, but in the face of the invitation of Alsace, he still chose to leave. In an interview, Muriqui said: "Al has two times...