新关注 > 信息聚合 > 富力将向中国足协申诉 抗议广州德比裁判判罚不公

富力将向中国足协申诉 抗议广州德比裁判判罚不公

R & F will appeal against the Guangzhou Derby to Chinese football referee unfair

2014-09-29 08:39:30来源: 华体网

富力被误判瞬间 讯9月28日,富力最后时刻遭恒大绝杀3-4输掉了广州德比。但富力球输的并不服气。据悉富力俱乐部今晚会连夜准备申诉材料和视频上报足协,进行申诉。 目前,尚不清楚富力申诉材料的具体细...

bodied are misjudged instant news on September 28th, decimating the last moment was lost the Guangzhou Derby winner 3-4 rival. But bodied ball lost not convinced. It is reported that R & F club tonight to prepare the appeal materials and video report to the FA, appeal. At present, it is unclear decimating the complaint materials details...