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宋茜刘亦菲杨幂赵丽颖刘诗诗 女星人气排行榜

Victoria Song Liu Yifei Yang Mi Zhao Liying Liu Shishi actress popularity charts

2015-01-20 08:52:00来源: 东北网

当红女星长相综合指数排行出炉,刘亦菲长相综合指数:95分。扣5分是她太仙了感觉不到"人"气。《陆贞传奇》赵丽颖85《我们结婚了》宋茜80《步步惊心》刘诗诗70《小时代》杨幂65垫底。最新古典美女top50范冰冰夺魁,《陆贞传奇》赵丽颖排行8《小时代》杨幂第3,袁珊珊陈妍希垫底。 当红女...

popular actress looks comprehensive index rankings released, Liu Yifei looks comprehensive index: 95. Deduction of 5 points is she is immortal not feel "people" gas. "Legend" Zhao Liying 85 "Liuzhen we are married" Victoria Song 80 "startling step by step" Liu Shishi 70 "small time" Yang Mi 65 bottom. The new classical beauty Top50 Fan Bingbing won the "legend", Liuzhen Zhao Liying was the 8 "small time" Yang Mi third, Yuan Shanshan Michelle Chen bottom. When the female...