新关注 > 信息聚合 > 部分政府性基金项目取消、停征和整合


Cancellation, stop and integration of some government funds

2016-01-30 03:30:45来源: 人民网

本报北京1月29日电 (记者李丽辉)财政部、国家税务总局发布通知,经国务院批准,自2016年2月1日起,扩大政府性基金免征范围:将免征教育费附加、地方教育附加、水利建设基金的范围,由现行按月纳税的月...

Beijing, January 29 (reporter Li Lihui) of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued a notice, approved by the State Council, since February 1, 2016, expand government funds shall be exempted from the scope: be exempt from charges for education, additional, local education additional, the scope of the water conservancy construction funds, from the current monthly tax month...