新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宿州市召开第二批高校挂职干部第二次座谈会 张曙..

宿州市召开第二批高校挂职干部第二次座谈会 张曙..

Suzhou City College held its second batch of sending cadres second symposium Zhang Shu ..

2016-02-01 15:45:21来源: 中安在线

中安在线讯 据拂晓新闻网报道,1月29日下午,宿州市召开以“实干兴宿·实干为要”为主题的第二批高校挂职干部第二次座谈会。市委书记张曙光出席会议并讲话。他勉励高校挂职干部珍惜难得的挂职机会,努力做到抓...

Angola, according to online news dawn news network reported, January 29 afternoon, Suzhou City, held a "steadfast sink · hard work to be" as the theme of the second batch of Universities sending cadres second forum. Party Secretary Zhang Shuguang, attended the meeting. He encouraged colleges and universities sending cadres to cherish the rare opportunity of attachment, and strive to catch ...