新关注 > 信息聚合 > 成龙赴任院长 冯小刚张国立徐帆李冰冰组团客座教授

成龙赴任院长 冯小刚张国立徐帆李冰冰组团客座教授

Jackie Chan emplacement director Feng Xiaogang Zhang Guoli Xu Fan Bingbing Group Hebei news network

2015-05-21 11:49:26来源: 河北新闻网

5月20日,内地唯一一所由成龙冠名并亲自担任院长的成龙影视传媒学院在武汉举行成立仪式。冯小刚、张国立、徐帆、李冰冰一众明星将组成“花样教授团”担任学校客座教授。 成龙表示不希望自己冠名的学校“挂...

20, the mainland only by and named after Jackie Chan and personally served as Dean of the Jackie Chan film and Television Institute of media in Wuhan held the inaugural ceremony. Feng Xiaogang, Guoli Zhang, Xu Fan, Li Bingbing a star will be composed of figure professor as school visiting professor. Jackie Chan said he did not want his title of the school "hanging...