新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小孩进书店看书被撵 店员:三分钟内要选一本书

小孩进书店看书被撵 店员:三分钟内要选一本书

Child has been thrust into the bookstore reading clerk: To choose a book in three minutes

2016-02-04 02:33:23来源: 人民网

书店限制顾客看书引热议 文/广州日报记者于梦江 日前,一段视频在网上引起热议。事发地点是内蒙古呼伦贝尔的一家新华书店,视频中,一名家长因为小孩在书店内看书被店员撵走,而与店员发生争执。视频很快在网络走红,引起了网友们的热烈讨论。 对此,社科院社会政策研究中心秘书长唐钧在接受本...

Bookstore limit customers to read cited hot Text / Guangzhou Daily reporter to dream Jiang Recently, a video on the Internet cause hot. Site of the incident is Hulunbeir, a Xinhua Bookstore, video, a parent because the child is reading a book in a bookstore clerk ousting, but a dispute with the clerk happen. Video quickly became popular in the network, causing netizens lively discussion. In this regard, Social Policy Research Center of CASS Tang Jun, the Secretary-General to accept this ...