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亚冠富力耻辱出局 孔特拉:输赢都是宝贵财富

AFC bodied shame out Contra: winning or losing is a valuable asset

2015-05-07 09:30:41来源: 中国新闻网

信息时报讯 (记者 白云) 山东鲁能昨日延续韩国客场不胜的劣绩,1∶4惨败于全北现代,无缘晋级亚冠东亚区8强。在这场谁赢谁出线的比赛中,鲁能上半场打进世界波扳平比分,下半场却一溃千里,连丢3球,让韩...

Information Times (Correspondent Baiyun) Shandong Luneng away victorious Korea continued yesterday inferior performance, 1:4 defeat to Jeonbuk Hyundai, the AFC East Asia missed the cut 8 strong. Who won who qualify in this game, scored the world wave Luneng the first half to tie the game, the second half was a collapse of a thousand miles, lost the next three goals, so Han ...