新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国足被评太累了中卫还是需要冯潇霆 给佩兰好评

国足被评太累了中卫还是需要冯潇霆 给佩兰好评

The country foot was judged too tired or Zhongwei needs Feng Xiaoting to Perrin praise

2014-11-18 22:59:41来源: 新浪

国足战平洪都拉斯 新浪体育讯 北京时间11月18日,中国男足结束了11月份两场热身赛,他们先是凭借郑智的进球,在南昌战平了新西兰,近日又在西安0-0战平了洪都拉斯。对于本期国足以及佩兰的工作,足...

country foot draw of Honduras of sina sports news Beijing standard time on November 18th, Chinese football ended in November two warm-up match, they first with Zheng Zhi's goal, in Nanchang draw with New Zealand, recently in Xi'an drew 0-0 with Honduras. For this period the country foot and the works of Perrin, foot...