新关注 > 信息聚合 > 连跑龙套的都这么帅 魔兽电影曝联盟士兵照

连跑龙套的都这么帅 魔兽电影曝联盟士兵照

Even sideshow is so handsome the Warcraft film exposure Union soldiers according to

2015-05-21 17:11:07来源: 17173

【17173整理报道】 魔兽电影化妆师Vitani在其推特中曝光了魔兽电影中暴风城卫兵的剧照,虽然此前在暴雪嘉年华现场,已经公开了暴风城卫兵们的盔甲,但在看到现场剧照脱下偷窥后的暴风城卫兵们,露...

[17173 reports finishing] Warcraft film make-up artist vitani in their tweets exposure stills of Warcraft movie in Stormwind guard, although previously in BlizzCon site, has publicly the Stormwind guard their armor, but in see after the scene stills de peeping to storm the city guards, dew...

标签: 电影