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曝皇马出招施压续约拉莫斯 3000万求购尤文中柱

Exposure to Real Madrid moves the pressure continued Yola moss 30 million to buy the haplostele Sina

2015-06-19 21:47:33来源: 新浪

皇马看上了博努奇 新浪体育讯 近日,有关皇马对其他中卫感兴趣的传言不断出现。几天之前,媒体上出现了皇马对阿根廷中卫奥塔门迪感兴趣的消息,现在,又传出了皇马将博努奇列入引援名单的新闻。 据意大利的《都灵体育报》报道,皇马已经将博努奇列入了收购计划中,而且伯纳乌还愿意为博努奇支付300...

Real Madrid fancy Bonucci of sina sports dispatch recently, Real Madrid on the other Zhongwei sense interest rumors continue to appear. A few days ago, the media the news of Real Madrid are interested in Argentina Zhongwei Otamendi. Now, it was rumored that Real Madrid will be included in the Bonucci reinforcements list of news. According to Turin's Italy Sports News reported that Real Madrid have been included in the acquisition of Bonui plan, and Bernabeu is willing to pay 300 for Bonui...