新关注 > 信息聚合 > 回忆大学遗憾:41.3%受访者后悔没谈一场恋爱


Memories of regret: 41.3% respondents regretted not to talk about a love

2015-09-21 22:17:48来源: 人民网

漫画:曹一 大学,是青春的尾巴,也是走向社会的缓冲期。很多人匆匆而过,留下不少遗憾。新一批大学生刚刚跨入大学校门,对于他们,学长们有哪些忠告?近日,中国青年报社会调查中心通过民意中国网和问卷网,对2001人进行的一项在线调查显示,大学里,82.0%的受访者心存遗憾,8.8%的受访者没...

comic: Cao Yi University, is the youth of the tail, but also to the social buffer period. A lot of people in a hurry, leaving a lot of regret. A new batch of students just entered the University, for their seniors, what advice? Recently, the China Youth Daily Social Survey Center through the public opinion China Network and the questionnaire survey, an online survey of 2001 people, the University, 82% of respondents feel sorry, 8.8% of the respondents did not...