新关注 > 信息聚合 > 标致308北京让利高达2.1万 现车可试驾

标致308北京让利高达2.1万 现车可试驾

Peugeot 308 Beijing benefit up to 2.1 million cars can drive

2015-10-04 21:19:37来源: 爱卡汽车网

近日,编辑从北京鹏翰贸易有限公司了解到,标致308让利高达2.1万元,目前店内有现车,提供试驾,感兴趣的朋友不妨关注一下。详情请见下表: 标致308优惠车型价格表 10.59万8.49万元询底价...

recently, editors from the Beijing penghan Trade Co., Ltd, Peugeot 308 profits high reached 210 million yuan, the shop there are cars, test drive, a sense of interested friends may wish to look at. Details please refer to the following table: Peugeot 308 models preferential price list 105900 84900 yuan price inquiry...