新关注 > 信息聚合 > 香港有学校验出水含铅 教育局发出减少接触铅指引

香港有学校验出水含铅 教育局发出减少接触铅指引

Hong Kong check water lead Education Bureau issued a reduced contact lead guidelines

2015-08-23 13:35:53来源: 中国新闻网

中新网8月23日电 据香港特区政府网站消息,香港教育局局长吴克俭22日表示,因应近日有学校验出部分水样本含铅,21日晚已向全港幼儿园、小学和中学发出指引,提醒学校降低学生饮用食水时摄取铅的机会。 ...

China News Network Beijing on August 23, according to the Hong Kong SAR government website news, the Hong Kong Education Bureau Chief wukejian 22 said, due to recent school check out part of the water sample containing lead, on the evening of 21 has to Hong Kong kindergartens, primary and secondary schools issued guidelines reminding schools to reduce students potable water when intake of lead opportunities. ...