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CSP2015: the schizophrenia disease prevention and Control Guide Second Edition "update points

2015-09-20 23:49:53来源: 丁香园

《精神分裂症防治指南》于 2003 年 9 月推出试行,2007 年正式出版,在临床中已推广使用近 10 年。近年来,新型抗精神病药物品种不断增加,临床实践的治疗研究循证证据不断增加,同时国外的精神...

the schizophrenia guidelines for the prevention and treatment of disease" in September 2003 launched a pilot, 2007 officially published, in clinical practice has been promoting the use of nearly 10 years. In recent years, the new type of antipsychotic drugs has increased, the clinical practice of the treatment of evidence based evidence continues to increase, while foreign spirit...